So Far So Good
It’s been 3 weeks since Pearl came to our family.
So far it’s been quite an adjustment getting used to a wee one.
The first few nights were hard getting her used to her forever home.
The first night, I slept in a chair the living room where her crate is.
I sang and rocked her to sleep the first few nights with a mariachi song and Tony Bennetts version of Moonglow.
She loves it when you cuddle with her and rock her to sleep.
That technique worked for a little awhile.
She sleeps for a couple of hrs., then whine to go out or decide it was time to play.
Pearl has been pretty good about bathroom breaks, so far.
We let her out her to go do her business before she goes back in her crate for the night.
We’ve jingled some bells that are on the door handle when it’s time for her to go out.
Occasionally she’ll have an accident, though.
But if we get her on a schedule that everybody can live with, hopefully she should let us know when nature calls.
Is it normal for a 2 month old pup to not sleep through the night or are we doing something wrong?
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