Training And Tribulations

I finally figured out why God made beagle puppies so cute.

It’s hard to get mad at them when they make a mess or misbehave.

Pearl just turned 11 weeks old yesterday.

She’s old enough to start reinforcing potty training.

Getting Pearl potty trained has sometimes been a challenge.  

Most of the time she’s been a great pup at going outside.

But sometimes she wants to do something else.

We’ve been training her to walk to the door & go outside when we jingle the jinglebells on the doorknob.

Most of the time she walks to the door.

Other times she gets distracted and sometimes it’s easier for me to carry her outside.

Most of the time she goes outside without any incident. 

Other times she has accidents or doesn’t let us know when she needs to go out.

We have pee pads around the house, they only work for awhile. 

Sometimes she’ll mess on the floor instead and I’ve caught her trying to chew on the pads.

Today she had a couple of little incidents.

She left a mess in the living room and didn’t want to go outside when I took her to the backyard.

Instead she decided it would be more fun to water the back stairs.

Sometimes I wonder if it would be easier to diaper the dog or train her use a litter box.

Hopefully she can be accident free & sleep through the night soon.


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