Devil And Angel
The last three months have been super busy.
Pearl’s been keeping me hopping.
Getting Pearl to behave lately is like having a full-time job.
Most of the time she’s an angel, but sometimes she can be hellbent and up for anything.
Pearl’s a good pup, but lately she’s been tearing up stuff in the house and wants to get into everything she sees.
What Pearl loves to get into most of all lately is my stuff and destroying pens.
We can’t keep any pens on the table.
Pearl chews them up.
No sooner than we put a pen down, Pearl gets it in her mouth and destroys them.
I don’t get it, why does she want to chew pens?
A cheetah may not be the fastest animal in the world compared to Pearl when she’s trying to get away with my stuff when I go to get it back.
Trying to catch her lately, is like trying to hold running water in your hands, good luck with it.
She’s chewed up 4 pairs of my shoes, 3 baseball hats, books, our couch, wall moldings, paper towels, door frames, her bedding, the home phone, quilts, my wii sensor bar, chairs.
This week she got a hold of my glasses.
I had them laying down on the night stand near me when I went to bed.
When I woke up, I heard a crunch.
She had my glasses in her mouth and the frames were broke.
Luckily I was able to fix them by hot gluing the frames together.
I hope they can stay fixed until I can afford to get a new pair.
Sometimes I wonder what exactly goes through Pearls mind when she goes and destroy stuff.
She can’t be bored.
She’s got plenty of chew toys. I take her for walks and play with her when I can.
Are all beagles like this, or is it just her.
Hopefully one day she’ll grow out of this chewing stage.
Until then I’ll have to put up my stuff when she’s around.
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